Thursday, August 27, 2020

What You and I Can Learn From Writer Patricia Raybon

What You and I Can Learn From Writer Patricia Raybon What You and I Can Learn From Patricia Raybon What her identity is Her articles have been distributed inThe New York Times Magazine, Newsweek,USAToday, TheChicago Tribune, TheDenverPost, Guideposts,and circulated on National Public radio. The initial two of her five books,My First White Friend: Confessions on Race, Love, and Forgiveness(Viking/Penguin) andI Told the Mountain to Move(Tyndale) were grant champs. Her most recent book (Undivided: A Muslim Daughter, Her Christian Mother, Their Path to Peace) releasesApril 28. (She’s the mother.) Her family B.A. in news coverage fromOhioState M.A. in news coverage from theUniversity ofColorado Previous editorial manager ofThe Denver Post SundayContemporary Magazine Previous element author forTheRocky Mountain News Previous teacher of news coverage at the UniversityofColorado Previous stringer, TIME Magazine, Denver Bureau Her own life Hitched 39 years toDan Mother of two developed little girls Grandma of five What Patricia’s commended profession can instruct us Her composing grants previously filled a few single-divided pages when she sold an individual article toThe New York TimesSundayMagazinethat brought about artistic specialists harassing her for a month. Her significant other encouraged her to give bookwriting a try.My First White Friendwon a significant honor is still in print after over 20 years. The mystery? Certainly, she was a practiced essayist. Be that as it may, there are a large number of those. Just relatively few with books that stay in print longer than a half year, not to mention two decades. In any case, Patricia composed that paper from her enthusiasm, from her own understanding, from her gut. What's more, obviously the subsequent book originated from that equivalent spot. What she disclosed to her college understudies about composition That great character makes great composition. â€Å"Talent helps, of course,† she says with a grin. â€Å"But difficult work, steadiness, respectability, interest, finish these transform a tinkerer into a professional.† She says composing is about truth and mental fortitude. â€Å"When perusers see that on paper, they are frequently paralyzed. It’s straightforward and genuine. You need composing gold? Know your fact and have the fortitude to tell it.† The greatest shortcoming she finds in starting authors? â€Å"Fear.† What she says makes a decent book stick out â€Å"It’s composed for the peruser, not for the creator. Draw in the peruser, inspire an encounter, as the renowned editorSol Steinadvised. That tells the peruser they matter.† What intrigues me most about Patricia Raybon Her new book,Undivided: A Muslim Daughter, Her Christian Mother, Their Path to Peace,is a shocker. I read a few books every month, so my measures continue getting higher. This one is bolting. Envision your own developed kid leaving the confidence she was brought up in. I could disclose to all of you the exciting bends in the road and anguishing elements of asking, contending, examining, and wishing things were something else at the same time frantically adoring your own fragile living creature and blood and not having any desire to endanger the relationship. In any case, this is one you need to peruse for yourself to perceive how an ace author handles a most fragile subject. Snap here to get a duplicate. What will you apply from Patricia’s composing life to your own this week?

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Loss Prevention Essay Research Paper Loss PreventionIn free essay sample

Misfortune Prevention Essay, Research Paper Misfortune Prevention In today # 8217 ; s monetary status, there has become an expanding interest for close to nothing and huge worries to go witting of ways and grounds that they may lose cash. Organizations need quality representatives, solid bearing, and cost effective misfortune bar program to decrease the whole losingss suffered by an organization. Misfortunes in the working environment can emerge out of various nations, for example, inward theft ( worker burglary ) , outside robbery ( shoplifting ) , and managerial ( framework ) botch. The calculations of these losingss over the budgetary twelvemonth are known as contracting. On the off chance that a worry loses an extraordinary aggregate of cash because of shrinkage so the chances of that organization blasting in their few market is extremely least. Especially if rival organizations have an efficacious misfortune bar plan in topographic point. In this exposition, one will see only how the utilization of a solid misfortune bar plan can help pretty m uch nothing and large concerns chop down their entirety of contracting in this manner, permitting the worries develop and progress. We will compose a custom paper test on Misfortune Prevention Essay Research Paper Loss PreventionIn or then again any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page One will see that contracting is something that representatives, course and owners can simple order, without a major whole or clasp or cash. Worker burglary, other than known as interior robbery, chronicles for around 30 % of whole losingss. There are a figure of various manners by which inward burglary can occur. Conceivably the most remarkable signifier that interior burglary takes on is in the signifier of punch clock extortion. Workers will in general exploit the clout clock. Despite the fact that resonations of this demonstration can and should result in lapse of the worker, this doesn # 8217 ; t stop certain individuals. Different kinds of inward burglary are, sweet hearting ( permitting family unit or companions get products or administrations for nothing ) , a few people exploit the workingman # 8217 ; s remuneration board, by doing faulty cases. There are a figure of approaches to hinder interior robbery, get bringing down with sympathy and handle towards the representative # 8217 ; s. The business needs to regard, tune in, comprehend, talk about, and influence representatives in the organization exercises. This is a sort of bar supposing that this is done, it manufactures a feeling of ethical quality inside the given concern. A glad worker is all things considered a decent representative. Another measure in bar is set up a wages framework for the individuals who do extra or intentional work. This is another measure that would transfuse a feeling of pride to the representative, and they would genuinely get an inclination that they are apprec iated by the business. Outside robbery accounts for around 20 % of contracting in the work environment. Outer burglary takes on a wide range of signifiers, for example, tricky checks, beguiling returns, product craftiness, and conceivably the most extraordinary of all, shoplifting. There are ordinarily three sorts of sponsors: 1 ) the mean everyday resident, 2 ) the full clasp novice, and 3 ) the expert. The mean unremarkable resident represents the most serious risk to concerns. The mean unremarkable resident chronicles for 75 % of the considerable number of promoters out at that place. These are the individuals that take so as to do cash to back up wonts, similar to medications and intoxicant. In any case, the drawback of this gathering is that in certain occasions they need to take so as to populate. Despite the fact that this gathering represents 75 % all things considered, this gathering is the least demanding to order, through misfortune bar plans. For delineation this gathering can be controlled or diminished with the use of # 8220 ; puzzler customers # 8221 ; or # 8220 ; floor Walkers # 8221 ; . The region associated with shrinkage is the full clasp beginners. This gathering makes up around 20 % of the aggregate when covering with shrinkage. This sort of individual enters the worry topographic point with the reason to take, they wear # 8217 ; t needfully require to take, however they do so as to help through their needs, of which in any case wouldn # 8217 ; t be met, on the off chance that they didn # 8217 ; t shoplift. A few supporters in this class make it carefully in light of the fact that they are voracious. The third kind of promoter is the expert, the expert makes up 5 % of sponsors in whole. This kind of supporter can anticipate cash, there is no other goal in head. To these individuals shrinkage is a calling and a real existence, they are competent at what they do, and they benefit it. There are a figure of various things that propel individuals to shoplift, and there were details taken more than 125 misgivings and they show that, # 8220 ; 9 % of all store lifters take since they are restless, hapless customer administration, or no vault attender. 12 % Don # 8217 ; t have the cash to do the buy in the primary topographic point. 14 % of individuals that shoplift do it for the unadulterated blast. 36 % of sponsors take on the grounds that the worry made it simple for them. # 8221 ; Outside burglary can be forestalled in a variety of ways, a few representations of how are to gracefully acceptable customer administration, address customers as they enter the topographic purpose of concern, study the customers, increment hard money library administration, pay specific taking care of your important shows, and give forceful general controls.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Blog Archive University of California Los Angeles Anderson Essay Analysis, 20172018

Blog Archive University of California Los Angeles Anderson Essay Analysis, 2017â€"2018 *Please note: You are viewing an essay analysis from the 2017-2018 admissions cycle.  Click here to view our collection of essay analyses for the current admissions season.   This season, the UCLA Anderson School of Management has abridged its primary essay question and shortened the word limit from 750 to just 500. However, it has also added a “short-answer” question (read: mini essay) that in many ways recollects the “lost” element of the main essay and reinstates those other 250 words. As the program has been doing for as long as we at mbaMission have been offering essay analyses, it asks applicants about their short- and long-term goals, this time along with the oft-seen “Why our school?” element. And the newly added short answer prompt focuses on what candidates will bring to the school’s community. Given this rather modest essay portion of the UCLA application, you will need to make the most of your recommendations, resume, and interview to ensure that the school gets the full story of who you are as a candidate. In this post, we offer our advice on approaching the school’s 2017â€"2018 queries. Essay 1: Describe your short-term and long-term career goals. How can the UCLA Anderson experience add value to your professional development? (500 words maximum) UCLA Anderson has done away with the preamble to this question that last year outlined the school’s defining principles and plunged straight into a forthright request for your career goals. And considering you have just 500 words available for this entire essay, we recommend that you exercise this same kind of expediency with your response. Avoid going into excessive detail about your past, but be sure to offer enough information to provide context and support for your stated goals so that the progression from one stage of your professional career to the next is clear and reasonable. Once your goals have been firmly stated and given context, explain how being a UCLA Anderson MBA student is a key step in achieving them. You need to demonstrate that you have dedicated just as much thoughtâ€"or maybe even moreâ€"to why you want to study at UCLA Anderson as you have to where you want to go in your career. Think carefully about what you need to learn or experience (with respect to skills, network, and knowledge base) to be able to reach your stated aspirations and then detail which specific resources and opportunities at UCLA Anderson you believe will allow you to do so. Your goal is to convince the admissions committee that the school is the missing link between who and where you are now and who and where you envision yourself in the future. The basic components of this essay prompt are elements of a traditional personal statement, so we encourage you to download your free copy of the mbaMission Personal Statement Guide. In this complimentary publication, we offer a detailed discussion of how to approach such queries and craft an effective essay response, along with multiple illustrative examples. And to learn more about UCLA Anderson’s academic program, defining characteristics, crucial statistics, social life, standout faculty members, and other key features, download a copy of the mbaMission Insider’s Guide to the Anderson School of Management, which is also available at no cost. Short Answer Question: Describe how you would contribute to the UCLA Anderson community. (250 words maximum) Before you begin writing or even brainstorming for this one, you must familiarize yourself with the characteristics and tone of the UCLA Anderson community. As you do, pay special attention to the aspects and areas that speak to you personally in some way, and do not limit yourself to course work and academic offerings, but also consider social events/clubs and professional development opportunities. Business school is meant to be a comprehensive environment and experience that enriches students in ways not just related directly to business in the conventional sense, and perhaps your greatest potential for contribution lies in one of these areas. If you are a quant wizard, you can of course help your fellow students with class work and projects. If you have a depth of knowledge or years of professional experience in a particular business area or industry, you could serve as a kind of subject matter expert for those around you in the program or as a valuable component in someone’s r ecruiting network. If you are particularly funny, creative, or athletic, you may be the ideal fit to lead an extracurricular group or play a significant role in a nonacademic project or event. Work to cultivate a thorough understanding of all aspects of the UCLA Anderson program and identify the areas that catch your attention most. Like all other application questions, this one has no “right” answer, so do not try to guess what you think the school wants to hear. Authenticity and enthusiasm are the keys to your success with this mini essay. Optional essay: The following essay is optional and can be submitted by either first time applicants or reapplicants. No preference is given in the evaluation process to applicants who submit a response to the optional question. Are there any extenuating circumstances in your profile about which the Admissions Committee should be aware? Please use your best judgment. (250 words maximum) Here is your opportunityâ€"if neededâ€"to address any lingering questions that an admissions officer might have about your candidacy, such as a poor grade or overall GPA, a low GMAT or GRE score, or a gap in your work experience. Do not simply try to fill this space because you fear that not doing so would somehow count against you. And however tempted you might be, this is not the place to reuse a strong essay you wrote for another school or to offer an anecdote or two that you were unable to include in your required essay. However, if you truly feel that you must emphasize or explain something that would render your application incomplete if omitted, write a very brief piece on this key aspect of your profile. We suggest downloading your free copy of the  mbaMission Optional Essays Guide, in which we offer detailed advice on deciding whether to take advantage of the optional essay and how best to do so (with multiple sample essays), if needed. Reapplicant essay: Please describe your career progress since you last applied and ways in which you have enhanced your candidacy. Include updates on short-term and long-term career goals, as well as your continued interest in UCLA Anderson. (750 words maximum) Whether you have improved your academic record, received a promotion, begun a new and exciting project, increased your community involvement, or taken on some sort of personal challenge, the key to success with this essay is conveying a very deliberate path of achievement and forward momentum. UCLA Anderson wants to know that you have been actively striving to improve yourself and your profile, remain focused on your goals, and have seized available opportunities during the previous year, because an MBA from its program in particular is vital to you. The responses to this essay question will vary greatly from one candidate to the next, of course, because each person’s needs and experiences differ. We are more than happy to provide one-on-one assistance with this highly personal essay to ensure that your efforts over the past year are presented in the best light possible. The Next Stepâ€"Mastering Your UCLA Anderson Interview:  Many MBA candidates find admissions interviews stressful and intimidating, but mastering this important element of the application process is definitely possibleâ€"the key is informed preparation. And, on your way to this high level of preparation, we offer our free Interview Primers  to spur you along! Download your free copy of the UCLA Anderson  Interview Primer  today. Share ThisTweet 2017-2018 Business School MBA Essay Analysis University of California Los Angeles (Anderson)

Monday, May 25, 2020

The Debate Over Presidential Debates - 1079 Words

What topics are labeled important enough to be talked about during presidential debates? Topics such as terrorism and national security; the economy; jobs and employment; and the Affordable Care Act and Healthcare all managed to be the center of attention during all debates. What topics were almost entirely ignored? Topics such as gun policy; social issues like LGBT rights and abortion; and the environment and climate change were put to the side to instead talk about Hillary Clinton’s email scandal or the sexual assault charges brought up against Donald Trump. While terrorism and national security; the economy; jobs and employment; and the Affordable Care Act and Healthcare are all very important topics, but one topic that was ignored and should have been at the forefront of the debate was climate change. Issues like renewable energy, hydraulic fracking, anthropogenic greenhouse gases, and the Paris Agreement should have been hot topics during the three presidential debates. So why were they not? Both the Democrats and Republicans seemed to be more concerned with trying to make the opposing candidate look as bad as possible. However, climate change is not something that should be labeled as a Democratic or Republican problem, instead all political groups should be worried about this topic. Climate change can affect food production, water availability, wildlife and human health. Also, weather conditions such as storms, tornadoes, and earthquakes can damage roads, railroads,Show MoreRelatedPresidential Debate Over Presidential Debates947 Words   |  4 Pageselection in full throttle, Kennedy and Nixon’s presidential debates of 1960 are still very much a part of American democracy. Televised presidential debates have become a backbone in an American election. Although these deba tes are now considered a norm in American politics, this has not always the case. Even after the first time a presidential debate was held between presidential candidates from across the aisle, it took another 16 years for another debate to occur. It is highly doubtful that eitherRead MoreThe Debate Over The Presidential Election956 Words   |  4 PagesThe Fate of America The heated debates, constant jabs, and the ongoing controversy about the 2016 Presidential Election is what has been sparking conversations worldwide. The disrespectful and unprofessional behavior that the candidates have shown has left a bad impression on many citizens of the United States of America. The Republicans as well as the Democrats have been going head to head since the campaign began. Though mainly the Republican candidates such as Ted Cruz, John Kasich and the infamousRead MoreVice Presidential Debate Over Tim Kaine1684 Words   |  7 PagesVice Presidential Debate (October 4, 2016) As the running mates to Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump took the stage to further their platform and earn voters, millions tuned in hopes of further solidifying their choice for President of the United States of America. The Vice-Presidential debate was moderated by Elaine Quijano, CBSN anchor and former CNN journalist, who Dan Gainor of FOX claims to have been left from the very beginning (â€Å"Another Debate†, 2016). According to numerous articles as wellRead MoreThe Presidential Debate On Politics Essay1140 Words   |  5 Pagespolitical debates are broken. A constructive national debate is something that is quite important to the functioning of the American system of democracy. Civil discussions and disagreements have been what fuels progress in this country. Now, at a time of heightened awareness from many American people, the political debates in this country don’t seem to be providing them with good cogent arguments. Instead they are filled with fallacies an d many falsehoods. In this essay I argue that the presidential debateRead MoreThe Presidential Debate On The American System Of Democracy Essay1616 Words   |  7 PagesA constructive national debate is something that is quite important to the functioning of the American system of democracy. A simple definition of democracy offered by the Merriam-Webster dictionary is that democracy is â€Å"a form of government in which people choose leaders by voting† (Merriam-Webster). Now, at a time of heightened awareness from many American people, the political debates in this country don’t seem to be providing them with good cogent arguments. Instead they are filled with fallaciesRead MorePresidential Debate Essay581 Words   |  3 PagesPresidential Debate Another four years another presidential debate. Before I go on to the current debates let me state a few facts about past ones. The Lincoln and Douglas debate was in important because it started Lincoln presidential career. The Debates lasted from August 21 -- October 15. There where seven of them, with two days to two weeks in between. Each debate lasted three hours; first candidate spoke for one hour; the second for one and a half hours; the first replying for a half hourRead MoreThe History And Effect Of Media On Presidential Debates1513 Words   |  7 PagesThe History and Effect of Media on Presidential Debates Throughout American history, it is clear to point out the United States have elected presidents to stand as the countries’ leader since the birth of the young nation. In most cases, the election is seen as a race between two parties even though there are others on the ballot. The vast majority usually did not know much about the other candidates until the turn of the century. Then, when media and information became easier to access it turnedRead MoreTake a position that defends, challenges, or qualifies the claim that television has had a positive impact on presidential elections.754 Words   |  4 PagesI do believe that television has had a positive impact on presidential elections. In modern times there is a need for television for these types of events. The authors mentioned agreed with the fact that television has had a positive impact on presidential elections. One source, Source D, is a chart of the ratings for presidential debates. I believe that television has had a positive impact on presidential elections because the world has changed in recent years, the people have changed, there isRead MoreThe Media and the 2000 Campaign Essay911 Words   |  4 PagesPresident Al Gore has been seen the candidate who will win this year’s Presidential Election. The polls show Gore as leading, political analysts have been saying â€Å"Gore all the way,† and most of the general public seem to be in agreement that Gore will succeed President Bill Clinton. But recently, the past two Presidential debates have seemed to abolish the idea that Vice President Al Gore will easily be elected President over Texas Governor George W. Bush. Al Gore known as an assertive, well-spokenRead MoreMedia And Its Impact On Politics1325 Words   |  6 Pageshundreds upon thousands of media platforms exist, it’s not surprising that media is one of the strongest, if not the biggest, influences in our current presidential election. No matter where each of us turn, whether it be to a newspaper, social media, or our televisions, every single one of us has seen some sort of news report or article discussing presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. However, every year, there seems to be this constant struggle when it comes to the media coverage, as

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Heres How to Use Attribution to Avoid Plagiarism in Your News Stories

Recently I was editing a story by a student of mine at the community college where I teach journalism. It was a sports story, and at one point there was a quote from one of the professional teams in nearby Philadelphia. But the quote was simply placed in the story with no attribution. I knew it was highly unlikely that my student had landed a one-on-one interview with this coach, so I asked him where he had gotten it. I saw it in an interview on one of the local cable sports channels, he told me. Then you need to attribute the quote to the source, I told him. You need to make it clear that the quote came from an interview done by a TV network. This incident raises two issues that students often are unfamiliar with, namely, attribution and plagiarism. The connection, of course, is that you must use proper attribution in order to avoid plagiarism. Attribution Lets talk about attribution first. Any time you use information in your news story that doesnt come from your own firsthand, original reporting, that information must be attributed to the source where you found it. For example, lets say youre writing a story about how students at your college are being affected by changes in gas prices. You interview lots of students for their opinions and put that in your story. Thats an example of your own original reporting. But lets say you also cite statistics about how much gas prices have risen or fallen recently. You might also include the average price of a gallon of gas in your state or even across the country. Chances are, you probably got those numbers from a website, either a news site like The New York Times, or a site that specifically focuses on crunching those kinds of numbers. Its fine if you use that data, but you must attribute it to its source. So if you got the information from The New York Times, you must write something like this: According to The New York Times, gas prices have fallen nearly 10 percent in the last three months. Thats all thats required. As you can see, attribution isnt complicated. Indeed, attribution is very simple in news stories, because you dont have to use footnotes or create bibliographies the way you would for a research paper or essay. Simply cite the source at the point in the story where the data is used. But many students fail to properly attribute information in their news stories. I often see articles by students that are full of information taken from the Internet, none of it attributed. I dont think these students are consciously trying to get away with something. I think the problem is the fact that the Internet offers a seemingly infinite amount of data thats instantly accessible. Weve all gotten so accustomed to googling something we need to know about, and then using that information in whatever way we see fit. But a journalist has a higher responsibility. He or she must always cite the source of any information they havent gathered themselves. (The exception, of course, involves matters of common knowledge. If you say in your story that the sky is blue, you dont need to attribute that to anyone, even if you havent looked out the window for a while.) Why is this so important? Because if you dont properly attribute your information, youll be vulnerable to charges of plagiarism, which is just about the worst sin a journalist can commit. Plagiarism Many students dont understand plagiarism in quite this way. They think of it as something thats done in a very broad and calculated way, such as copying and pasting a news story from the Internet, then putting your byline on top and sending it to your professor. Thats obviously plagiarism. But most cases of plagiarism that I see involve the failure to attribute information, which is a much more subtle thing. And often students dont even realize they are engaging in plagiarism when they cite unattributed information from the Internet. To avoid falling into this trap, students must clearly understand the distinction between firsthand, original reporting and information gathering, i.e., interviews the student has conducted him or herself, and secondhand reporting, which involves getting information that someone else has already gathered or acquired. Lets return to the example involving gas prices. When you read in The New York Times that gas prices have fallen 10 percent, you may think of that as a form of information-gathering. After all, you are reading a news story and getting information from it. But remember, to ascertain that gas prices had fallen 10 percent, The New York Times had to do its own reporting, probably by talking to someone at a government agency that tracks such things. So in this case the original reporting has been done by The New York Times, not you. Lets look at it another way. Lets say you personally interviewed a government official who told you that gas prices had fallen 10 percent. That is an example of you doing original reporting. But even then, you would need to state who was giving you the information, i.e., the name of the official and the agency that he works for.   In short, the best way to avoid plagiarism in journalism is to do your own reporting and attribute any information that doesnt come from your own reporting. Indeed, when writing a news story its better to air on the side of attributing information too much rather than too little. An accusation of plagiarism, even of the unintended kind, can quickly ruin a journalists career. Its a can of worms you just dont want to open. To cite just one example, Kendra Marr was a rising star at when editors discovered  shed lifted material from articles done by competing news outlets. Marr wasnt given a second chance. She was fired. So when in doubt, attribute.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Gay Marriage Is a Human Rights Issue - 1091 Words

The divorce rate among homosexual couples is nearly half the divorce rate of heterosexual couples, in states where homosexual marriage is already legal. This statistic makes it evident that homosexual marriage is as successful as heterosexual marriage. However, out of 49 states with laws regarding gay marriage, only 13 legally recognize the union of two same sex people. Some of the reasoning for this is because some people believe that homosexuality is against their religion and thus, homosexual couples should not have equal rights. In a constitutional society such as ours where all people are meant to be treated equally, homosexual couples need to be granted the same rights as heterosexual couples. Equality, under the law, is guaranteed†¦show more content†¦The love, support, and values of homosexual couples are no different than those of heterosexual couples. There is no difference in the love felt between two people of the same sex and two people of opposite sex. Love is love, there is no denying this simple yet effective phrase commonly used by supporters of gay marriage. â€Å"Some gay people, like some heterosexuals, regard recreational sexual activity between consenting adults as morally acceptable. Others embrace a very elevated moral interpretation of sexual ethics and find a minimalist sexual ethics of consenting adults to be morally unacceptable. Some gay people believe that sex has a deep human meaning that is achieved only in lifelong and exclusive interpersonal commitment† (Pope). Sexual acts are considered to be a physical representation of love in our society and are traditionally reserved for partners who have committed to each other for the duration of their lives. This same belief is held by many homosexual couples and for those couples that do not hold this belief there are also heterosexual couples that don’t hold sex in such high regard. This further shows that the affection shown by homosexual couples and the love they feel is the same as that of heterosexuals. â€Å"Gay people live in the same houses, often and increasingly raise childrenShow MoreRelatedEssay on Gay Marriage1455 Words   |  6 Pagesage, without limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and have a family† (The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 5). This article from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights set forth by the United Nations clearly states that any adult, man or woman, has the right to marry. At the beginning of the Declaration, there is another article saying that every human being is entitled to all rights set forth by this document without exception to any status. UnfortunatelyRead MoreArticle On Gay Marriage Rights1686 Words   |  7 PagesEnglish 101 10/25/16 Krietcsh Gay Marriage Rights Can you believe that in some parts of the world it is still illegal to be homosexual , or better yet to marry the person you love if they are the same sex as you? Many people use religion to try a stop gay marriage rights. But religion has nothing to do with the fact that it is every human being’s right to marry the person they love.Gay Marriage has always been around for example â€Å"Evidence exists that same-sex marriages were tolerated in parts of MesopotamiaRead MoreThe Issue Of Gay Marriage1191 Words   |  5 PagesProfessor Peter Lamar Introduction to Classics in Philosophy 6 November 2014 Gay Marriage Thomas Jefferson wrote about â€Å"unalienable rights† in The Declaration of Independence. What he meant was there are rights that are given to us as human beings and cannot be taken away by the government. â€Å"Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness† are among those rights that are being suppressed against same sex couples. Their right to pursue happiness with their significant other is taken from them by the stateRead MoreSame Sex Marriage and Politics in the U.S. Essay800 Words   |  4 PagesSex Marriage has become a major issue in the United States. There are variations in opinions concerning the topic. The main concern is should same sex marriage be allowed or declared unconstitutional. Plenty of conservatives are completely against gay marriage and many of liberals are fighting for equal treatment. Many controversies and arguments have developed from this issue. There are many reasons why gay marriage should be legal or illegal. The people who oppose same sex marriage or alsoRead MoreEssay on The Bond of Marriage1166 Words   |  5 PagesThe Bond of Marriage The argument to allow gay couples to marry has been a debatable topic for many years. The authors, Andrew Sullivan and William Bennett have conflicting beliefs to whether gay marriages should be permissible. Sullivan expresses his opinion of the right gays have to marry in his article â€Å"Let Gays Marry.† Bennett retaliates with his own article opposing gay marriage. His article â€Å"Leave Marriage Alone,† relates his view that same-sex marriage is wrong and unethical.Read MoreThe Issue Of Same Sex Marriage1286 Words   |  6 Pagesthe relationship that is â€Å"morally right†. When speaking on gay marriage, there are typically two views. To some it is just absouletly disgusting, and then to others it’s a beautiful thing. â€Å" Opponents of Same Sex Marriage say marriage is between a man and a woman and anything else is morally wrong( â€Å"At Issue : Same Sex Marriage†) As a human being , whose right is it to tell someone who they c an and can not love. Sometimes people may disagree with gay marriage on a spiritual level, but who is toRead MoreThe Gay Marriage Should Be Legal947 Words   |  4 PagesDefending Gay Marriage During the last few years, homosexuality has become an important issue for debate. Moreover, homosexuals have taken their case further by claiming their right to marry. Same-sex marriage, usually known as â€Å"gay marriage†, is the marriage between two people from the same biological sex (Doskow1). Since 2000, eleven countries have approved the legalization of gay marriage worldwide: Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Canada, South Africa, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, Iceland, ArgentinaRead MoreThe Issue Of Same Sex Marriage1376 Words   |  6 PagesLiberties/Civil Rights Issues November 19, 2014 I†¦My chosen topic is Gay Rights- more specifically marriage equality. Public opinion in the U.S. shows the majority support for the legal recognition of same-sex marriages. This issue is more likely to be supported by women and people under 50. My thesis is that marriage equality a civil right, rights we are born with as a citizen of the U.S. which the government cannot interfere with or suppress. (Lecture Notes 8/27). Over the past decade, marriage equalityRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legal1144 Words   |  5 PagesGay Marriage There are many issues the revolve around same-sex marriage. Many issues like: Whether same-sex should be legalized and should there be an amendment on same-sex marriage? There are multiple side to view this, but gay marriage but in my opinion gay marriage is socially accepted. it should be legal and it does affect American teens in a broad spectrum of ways. There have been a lot of issues on whether or not same-sex marriage should be legal or not. According to Burns, â€Å" The unionRead MoreThe Debate On Legalizing Same Sex Marriage1251 Words   |  6 Pages Introduction Marriage also known as matrimony is the process in which two people legally or formally recognize the love between a man and woman or in some jurisdictions, two people of the same sex (Physcology Today , 2015 ). Marriage is an important part of our society. The emotional bond between two lovers is the strongest bond and most sacred (Anderson, 2013 ). However there are people who get left out because their partner is not of the same gender as they are. The debate on legalising same

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Multimicronutrient Supplementation and Asymptomatic

Question: Discuss about the Multimicronutrient Supplementation and Asymptomatic. Answer: Introduction: Urinary tract infection is one of the most common infections that worsen the heath status of patients in long-term hospital stay, especially for older people in ager care facilities. UTI is often associated with the catheter-related infections. In this essay, the preventable measures for the catheter related UTI would be analyzed with the help of evidences in the recently published journal resources. Based on the findings, recommendations would also be provided. Its relevance relies upon the promotion of safe catheter usage in hospitals through the implementation of new and effective measures of preventing catheter associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) in elderly. In order to carry out the research, a series of search were applied and authentic databases were searched to access high quality research papers. The search terms were: urinary catheter, catheter related infections, hospital-acquired infection, aged population and catheter infection. The databases were PubMed, EbescoHost and Science Direct. To make the search more precise, exclusion and inclusion criteria have been applied. Research papers published in English language, within last 6years, peer-reviewed and full text articles were accessed. Boolean operators like OR, AND, NOT were applied to make the literature search more specific. Literature search generated almost 30 papers and application of Boolean operators narrowed down the search to 15 most relevant papers. Lee et al., (2015) conducted an RCT for evaluating effects of nurse-family partnership model on the occurrence of the catheter-associated UTI in 61 patients, in which the author revealed significant improved patient outcomes through nurse-family partnership (level IIa). Whereas, an implementation of the national initiative for CAUTI prevention On the CUSP: STOP CAUTI in 500 nursing homes in 50 states was done by Mody et al., (2015); the study revealed involvement of technical and socio-adaptive principles and improved leadership in nursing can be helpful in ensuring the efficacy of future initiatives for reducing other infections (level I). The effectiveness of novel silver-impregnated Foley catheter system was evaluated by Leuck et al., (2015) in a single-centre RCT trial (level IIa), revealing that the system can protect against asymptomatic bcteriuria due to gram negative bacilli infection associated with catheter usage for longer time. Schwenger, Tejani and Loewen (2015) selected 9 RCT studies to review 735 susceptible patients through medical records, however, the study did not receive any significant action of probiotics along with placebo to reduce CAUTI rate on patients (level Ia). The first initiative of no preventable harms campaign: creating the safest health care system in the world was studied by Saint et al., (2015), where a quantitative and qualitative trial of 1000 patients was done. The evaluation revealed some major areas of improvement for preventing CAUTI rate, including consideration of local policies, procedures, individualized initiatives, providing time between initiatives and involving all stakeholders along with the need for partnership with national centre for patient safety on a CAUTI collaborative initiative. Juthani-Mehta et al., (2016) reviewed an innovative intervention through a double blind RCT trial for preventing CAUTI prevalence, by administering cranberry capsules among 185 65-years old women (level IIa), but the study did not reveal a significant effect. Commission for Hospital Hygiene and Infection Prevention (KRINKO) provided recommendation for CAUTI preventive measures in hospitals. Heudorf et al., (2016) investigated the effec tiveness of the recommendations (level IV). The author investigated operations in 40 nursing homes and revealed that following the recommendations, the rate of UTI has been lowered along with lowered usage of antibiotic therapy for users of urinary tract catheter. The author reveled resistance-based antibiotic stewardship is an efficient strategy. Mulcare et al., (2015) analyzed the perceptions of care providers regarding the use of indwelling urinary catheters in older adults, by conducting a qualitative focused group study (level VI) with 38 participants and reported the overutilization of indwelling urinary catheters in emergency departments for older adults for which an evidence-based clinical protocol for IUC management can reduce CAUTI rate. Freeman-Jobson, Rogers and Ward-Smith (2016) conducted an evidence based education program to assess the effectiveness of education sessions enhancing awareness of health care staffs regarding UTI prevention by involving 42 participants and revealed improved patient outcomes with enhanced care providers knowledge (level VI). Christ-Libertin et al., (2015) conducted a pilot study for evaluating the effectiveness of evidence-based guidelines for preventing CAUTI rate in burn-injured patient population. The evidence-based guidelines helped the nurses to reduce CAUTI rate and reduced cat heter days along with significant reduction of infection incident within 248 days (level IV). Trautner et al., (2015) evaluated the effectiveness of a multifaceted guideline implementation intervention to reduce the antibiotic overtreatment to the catheter-associated ASB. The researcher emphasized on the fact that most professionals face difficulties in distinguishing between CAUTI and ASB and providing a clinical guidelines regarding diagnosis showed reduced overtreatment and unnecessary screening and improved patient outcomes compared to the standard protocol (level IIa). Mody et al., (2015) conducted a RCT study (level IIa) evaluating the effectiveness of multimodal targeted infection program (TIP) including active surveillance for MDROs, CAI, preemptive barrier precautions and staff training and the intervention reduced overall CAUTI and MDRO rates in NH residents (level IIa). In addition to the previous articles, Boekitwetan et al., (2016) evaluated the effectiveness of a significant measure, multimicronutrient supplement to reduce UTI incident in older patients, especia lly in residency care homes, by conducting a double blind RCT (level IIa), which revealed significant reduction of UTI incident caused by predominant organism E. coli in test group patients compared to the control group. Carter, Nina M., et al. (2014) reviewed existing literatures related CAUTI prevention and implemented those interventions in a 28 bed unit showing a significant reduction of catheter-associated UTI, supporting the findings of Mulcare et al., (2015) and Christ-Libertin et al., (2015) (level IV). The final article that has been reviewed represented the review of clinical cases for identifying the effective interventions to reduce CAUTI rates in patients. The article revealed the use of fixation devices can enhance patient satisfaction rate along with reduction of care cost (Holroyd, 2016). From the above fifteen articles, several unique and effective interventions has been found which can be recommended for reducing the rate of CAUTI in the health care settings. Boekitwetan et al., (2016) recommended the multimicronutrient supplement as a prevention measure of CAUTI in older adults, as it has been seen that opportunistic pathogens are predominant in CAUTI incidents, which are raised due to reduced immunity of older patients, thus, multinutrient supplement would help older patients to improve immunity reduce the opportunity for infection. On the other hand, several articles revealed the importance of care providers knowledge and skills for using catheter, which reduces the replacement of catheter and reduces the recurrence of infection due to infrequent replacement of catheter tube (Christ-Libertin et al., 2015). The importance of staffs training and knowledge is always important for enhancing the quality of health care services provided to the catheter users. All the articles indicated the high rate of CAUTI rate in older patients and represented different strategies for controlling or preventing the incident of CAUTI rate in patients, who are in long term care. One study presented the use of fixation devices in catheterization. It showed improved patient outcomes with enhanced patient and health care staffs satisfaction. Thus, this strategy can be recommended to be used in the hospitals or residential care homes for patients with catheters. The author presented one innovative device known as Ugo Fix gentle, which is a purpose-designed medical device that is used for fixing and supporting patient catheters at the catheter bifurcation. It can be recommended in the hospitals to be used in the case of long-term patients, as its use has shown reduced risk of CAUTI, trauma and reduced discomfort due to catheter pulling or rubbing the urethra. It is evident that catheterization is significantly discomfortable for patients, as it increases pain and difficulties in moving; thus using this fixative device would enhance patients comfort and improve the overall health status (Holroyd, 2016). Moreover, the articles also highlighted the importance of following proper guidelines in handling, inserting and removing catheter from the patient. It has been revealed that inefficient handling of catheter increase pain, discomfort and incident of CAUTI in older and long-term patients. Reviewing the above literature, another recommendation for the nursing staffs was revealed that is, the nurses or other medical staffs should be able to distinguish between the ASB and CAUTI, as the screening period is responsible for worsening the CAUTI symptoms in patients. All the articles showed the scope of implementation in new Zealand nursing care, as in most cases, the primary data were revealed along with the review of evidence based practices. However, in one article by Schwenger, Tejani and Loewen (2015) did not revealed relevant results that can be applicable in New Zealand nursing setting. From the above literature review, it has been revealed that there are several significant strategies for preventing CAUTI incident in the older patients in long term care, but further research regarding the best fixative device and the details of multimicronutrient required for preventing the CAUTI incident is required. Reference List Boekitwetan, P., Surjawidjaja, J. E., Aidilfit, M., Lesmana, M. (2016). Multimicronutrient supplementation and asymptomatic urinary tract infections in the elderly. Universa Medicina, 28(1), 25-33. Carter, Nina M., et al. (2014) "An evidence-based approach to the prevention of catheter-associated urinary tract infections." Urologic Nursing, p. 238+. Academic OneFile, Christ-Libertin, C., Black, S., Latacki, T., Bair, T. (2015). Evidence-based prevent catheter-associated urinary tract infections guidelines and burn-injured patients: a pilot study. Journal of Burn Care Research, 36(1), e1-e6. Freeman-Jobson, J. H., Rogers, J. L., Ward-Smith, P. (2016). Effect of an education presentation on the knowledge and awareness of urinary tract infection among non-licensed and licensed health care workers in long-term care facilities. Urologic nursing, 36(2), 67-72. Heudorf, U., Gasteyer, S., Mller, M., Samoiski, Y., Serra, N., Westphal, T. (2016). Prevention and control of catheter-associated urinary tract infectionsimplementation of the recommendations of the Commission for Hospital Hygiene and Infection Prevention (KRINKO) in nursing homes for the elderly in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. GMS Hygiene and Infection Control, 11. Holroyd, S. (2016). Innovation in catheter securement devices: minimising risk of infection, trauma and pain. British journal of community nursing, 21(5). Juthani-Mehta, M., Van Ness, P. H., Bianco, L., Rink, A., Rubeck, S., Ginter, S., ... Quagliarello, V. (2016). Effect of Cranberry Capsules on Bacteriuria Plus Pyuria Among Older Women in Nursing Homes: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. Lee, K. C., Chao, Y. F. C., Wang, Y. M., Lin, P. C. (2015). A nursefamily partnership intervention to increase the self?efficacy of family caregivers and reduce catheter?associated urinary tract infection in catheterized patients. International journal of nursing practice, 21(6), 771-779. Leuck, A. M., Johnson, J. R., Hunt, M. A., Dhody, K., Kazempour, K., Ferrieri, P., Kline, S. (2015). Safety and efficacy of a novel silver-impregnated urinary catheter system for preventing catheter-associated bacteriuria: A pilot randomized clinical trial. American journal of infection control, 43(3), 260-265. Mody, L., Krein, S. L., Saint, S., Min, L. C., Montoya, A., Lansing, B., ... Rye, R. A. (2015). A targeted infection prevention intervention in nursing home residents with indwelling devices: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA internal medicine, 175(5), 714-723. Mody, L., Meddings, J., Edson, B. S., McNamara, S. E., Trautner, B. W., Stone, N. D., ... Saint, S. (2015). Enhancing resident safety by preventing healthcare-associated infection: a national initiative to reduce catheter-associated urinary tract infections in nursing homes. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 61(1), 86-94. Mulcare, M. R., Rosen, T., Clark, S., Scherban, B. A., Stern, M. E., Flomenbaum, N. E. (2015). 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