Saturday, February 22, 2020

Cahokia and Moundville Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cahokia and Moundville - Essay Example The early human interaction is very minimal to most people today, yet many experts and historians suggest that there was no outside contact with the Natchez until around the spring of 1682 when an expedition descended the famous Mississippi River where shortly after the Natchez Indians met with a Frenchman, La Salle. Even though these strange outsiders were weary of these white faces, they still allowed them to pass on their territory under conditions they had worked out with in some of the first meetings with La Salle and his militants, and it was not too long after that that the white men had built and found Fort Rosalie in 1716 which was the center of the society. As the French and the military and other civilian population continue to grow so did the infrequent to often unsettled issues between the Indians and the French which lead to some unfortunate battles in the end. Yet, it was not until the tribe ended up in the middle of the melee among England and France as they pushed to control American lands which made the Natchez show their true hate for the French and knew what they were up to and wanted to fight for what was rightfully theirs. After four years of hostility the Natchez worried daily about their fate in their vast lands of goods, fields of crops, waters, plenty of harvesting, hunting, lumber, cooking, families, and a normal peaceful camp life along with other closely related Indians within some of the same parts of the lower part of Mississippi. By this time, English soldiers had most of the Natchez natives convinced that the French were out to take what was theirs and they began looking at the French as their enemy. After nine years in the late fall 0f November 1729, was the first time this tribe went against the French’s wishes and war broke out immediately and within no time so many unprepared, unarmed, unequipped, and outnumber Natchez were dead, and what ancestors were left of the tribe ended up migrating to a different land to start rebuilding with what little resources and family that was left from the ancestors. As a result of such loss, the Natchez exiles decided to unite with other local tribes to build the native power to save their homes with Indian tribes like the Cherokee and the Chickasaw Creek Indians. Archeological aspects are recognized of the Natchez who were the last Indians were the last tribe of Mississippi, and began to decline increasingly in number when the war with the French nearly did them in to be lost forever. However, the tribe stretched as far as parts of Louisiana all the way through Mississippi on in to Alabama, up to Oklahoma, on to North and South Carolina and up in to some parts of Tennessee. Yet, there are very few native Natchez ancestors that still live around the southeastern part of the United States who became known for several reasons including they were the biggest and by far the sturdiest tribe of Indians of lower Mississippi, who knew how to live off the land extremely well because they grew a multitude of vegetation which included the essentials to most native Americans including: corn, beans, cabbage, sage, onion, flour, oats, squash, and other wild plants for medicine men. This culture were plentiful hunters as they were farmers mostly living off of stream and

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Case analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Case analysis - Assignment Example During the same time 2011, the internet sales increased by 12%. By 2004 online sales made 50% of the total books sold in the US. Currently, websites owned by independent used books account for 9% of total books sold online. Currently, Amazon is the leading online bookseller of used and new books. There has been lots of competition with many authors opting to include shipping costs for their consumers in order to increase their sales. Ironically, most of the consumers preferred purchasing used books due to their low prices. It is argued that despite the book being used the information still remains the same. According to reliable sources of information Amazon generated 49% of its revenue through sales of used books. By 2010, most of the consumers used bookstores as their main sources of book which accounted for 30% of total sales. During the same year34 million customers bought books online. For quite a long time Amazon has been dominating this business since its inception in 1995. The entry of Google Books in the field of online sales and books is also creating competition (Deahl). This is because Google enjoys the largest search engine in the world and their ability to provide online books at cheaper rates is creating a lot of competition for Amazon and other booksellers. Bookstore channel made significant strides and more sales with American company Barnes and Noble enjoying up to 1,700 stores in the US which accounted for 30% of total sales in the years 2010. In the previous year 2009 the company was the best seller of online books which accounted for $5.8 billion and an operating profit of 0.63%. Amazingly, only 10% came from online shops while the rest were made from the physical bookstores which are spread all over US. The bookstores were large enough ranging from 3000 square feet to 60,000 square feet meaning that the stores could make up to 200,000 different titles in their shelves. The increase in sales and