Thursday, November 21, 2019

Alexander pharaoh of egypt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Alexander pharaoh of egypt - Essay Example For thirty years, he established one of the biggest empires of the prehistoric world. The empire overextended from Egypt to Greece and also into the north western part of India. In fact, Alexander was never defeated in any wars and to date he is deliberated as one of the supreme prosperous military commanding officers. Further, in his crusade that was contrary to the mighty Persian Empire of Darius III, Alexander the great spent some months in Egypt. Regardless of the hostilities Alexander received from the Spartans, he emerged victoriously against Persia. The first war that he emerged victoriously was the battle of Granicus that was battling in the year 334 BC in present-day Turkey, and not so far from the prehistoric town of Troy. He was considered to have fought twenty thousand Persian horsemen and foot soldiers of the same number. After that, he moved to the western coast of Turkey, taking towns and trying to refute Persian navy of stations (Thomas, 7). The second major fight that Alexander won was the most significant of all fights. The war was known as the battle of Issus, which occurred in the year 334 BC, in southern Turkey at a prehistoric town known as Issus that was near to the present-day Syria. The Battle of Issus was directed by Darius III himself and Arrian estimates that Darius had a team of six hundred thousand troops. Due to this, Alexander was reluctant to go into a fight, and this made Darius think that it was a sign of nervousness. One attendant after another encouraged Darius and thus made him announce that with his Calvary, he will crush the Macedonian military. Therefore, he started to hunt Alexander but this at first seemed like he was overwhelming Alexander’s side. This changed after Alexander presented the Persian king with a battle, and the Persians could no longer apply their higher numbers well. In addition, Arrian wrote that the Darius leftward group ran scared immediately they started battling. This made the

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