Friday, December 27, 2019

Hawthorne Studies - 1495 Words

In the early century, human beings were considered to be a little more than attached to machines since the Industrial Revolution (Fountain, 2006, pg 45). The importances of the human relations were not considered a factor to contribute to an organisation growth. In 1924, Hawthorne Studies was first initiated by the Western Electrical Company and National Academy of Science to study on the relation of quality and quantity of illumination to efficiency in industry which is known as Illumination studies.(Roethlisberger amp; Dickson, 2003, pg 14). From 1927-1933, a series of experiments were conducted once again at Western Electric Work and analyzed by Professor George Elton Mayo who is famous for Hawthorne Effects after the failure for the†¦show more content†¦It was only after the dismissal of the two poorest performers and their replacement with two other girls that are highly motivated whose desire for money stemmed as they need money to support the family, it leads the outp ut to increase significantly (Carey, 1967, pg 415). This will make the total output varies. In this context, the two girls will work extra hard just to earn more money during the Hawthorne studies as the incentives is now under individual based. With the incentive based system, those workers who are the primary source of income for their families tend to work extra harder to earn more. Mayo has therefore concluded that incentive system is a factor that will affect the output but it is an unimportant factor. This is due to that Mayo has little understanding of the workers and their hidden motivation (Gantman, 2005, pg 59). Asian Workplace In countries in Southeast Asia (SEA), employers and government are viewing labour relations that will promote the workplace to be more cooperative, flexibility, productivity and competitiveness with other countries. This will able to prevent the dispute that the employers and the workers will have and will allow them to work align with their goals towards the business organizations. With the advance in the technology, this will result less management by command and supervision. This will allow the technology to replace the human and at the same time willShow MoreRelatedThe Hawthorne Studies1976 Words   |  8 PagesIntroduction Hawthorne Studies began in 1924 until 1932 at the Western Electric, Hawthorne plant in Cicero, Illinois, by Professor Elton Mayo. Initially, this study was originated to identify the conditions of which would improve the working conditions for higher productivity. However, as time progressed, it evolved and was used by managements across as a guide to restructuring their respective companies. With Professor Elton Mayo from the Harvard Business School began a study of how the workersRead MoreThe Hawthorne Studies On The Development Of Management1397 Words   |  6 PagesThe Hawthorne Studies were conducted by Elton Mayo with help from his research assistant Fritz Roethlisberger in the mid-1920s along with the works at the Hawthorne plant of the Western Electric Company in Chicago, Illinois. These studies were influenced by the principles of scientific management which were introduced by Frederick Taylor in 1911. The studies were to research weather people worked more efficiently when they were working as a group, being treated as special (such as working in a separateRead MoreEssay about Hawthorne Studies1529 Words   |  7 PagesThis essay will review the writings of â€Å"Hawthorne, the myth of the docile worker, and class bias in psychology† an article by D. Bramel and R. Friend. It will then go on to further critique academic articles that both support and dis agree with the primary source and demonstrate how the Hawthorne studies have influenced contemporary organizations. The Hawthorne experimental studies conducted at the Western Electric Company Works has attracted considerable amounts of sharp critical scrutiny; itRead MoreEvaluate the Contribution of the Hawthorne Studies to the Development of Management Theory and Practice2439 Words   |  10 PagesThis paper is an overview of four important areas of management theory: Frederick Taylor s Scientific Management, Elton Mayo s Hawthorne Works experiments and the human relations movement, Max Weber s idealized bureaucracy, and Henri Fayol s views on administration. It will provide a general description of each of these management theories together with observations on the environment in which these theories were applied and the successes that they achieved. Frederick Taylor - Scientific Management Read MoreHawthorne Studies804 Words   |  4 PagesPrentice Hall Carey A. (1967) The Hawthorne Studies: A Radical Criticism, American Sociological Review, Vol.32, No.3, Jun. 1967, p.403-416. Clark D (1999) â€Å"Hawthorne Effect† Retrieved November 20, 2007, Retrieved from Coutts B, (2003) â€Å"The Hawthorne Experiments† Retrived November 25, 2007, Retrived from Draper S.W (2006) â€Å"The Hawthorne, Pygmalion, Placebo and other effects ofRead MoreA Study of a Character: Hester Prynne in The Scarlett Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne909 Words   |  4 Pagesbelieves in when she was in the worst emotional state is truly inspiring. Although she could feel the shame of those around her in town because of the scarlet A on her breast, she refused to let herself be brought down by them, and at one point Hawthorne describes her as not letting her hand cover the symbol. She grew to understand her fate and continues to make the best of it, doing all that she could to be normal in a society where she is seen as an outcast. The way I feel about Hester is quiteRead MoreThe Hawthorne Studies2022 Words   |  9 PagesThe Hawthorne studies 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Mayoists brought a fundamental new paradigm. The scientific management movement led the industrial revolution to change our way of life, our perception of work and our understanding for what an organization is. This paradigm shifted to the Human relations movement (led by the so called Mayoists) as a result of the Hawthorne studies, which took into consideration the physical, social and psychological needs of employees unlike the previous paradigm.Read MoreThe Implication of Hawthorne Study in 21st Century4408 Words   |  18 PagesAssignment The Implication of Hawthorne Study in 21st Century Ashab Anis Joy ID: 2012-1-10-255 Class: MGT Course Code: 101 Sec: 7 Semester: Fall East West University Bachelor of Business Administration East West University 20th November 2012 Introduction The Hawthorne Experiments were conducted between 1927 and 1932 at the works of the Western Electric Company in Chicago. Basically the aim of these experiments was to † attempt to reduce worker dissatisfaction and resist trade unionRead MoreEvaluate the Contribution of the Hawthorne Studies to the Development of Management Theory and Practice.1720 Words   |  7 PagesHawthorne Studies have been subjected to many criticisms. Yet, the evolvement of many of the management theories today would not have come about without the experiments done by Elton Mayo. This essay will cover the various aspects of management that has been refined through the findings of the tests conducted and how improvements were made to aid in the development of organisational behaviour. It will also discuss the various studies and will show how these theories implement Hawthorne studies asRead MoreAnalysis Of The Experiment Management And The Worker 1485 Words   |  6 Pagesexperiment report â€Å"manag ement and the worker† in 1939(Gillespie, 1991) the Hawthorne studies have been playing an important role in management, psychology and sociology. Hawthorne studies were the foundation for the modern day management thinking. Hawthorne studies have been subject to many criticisms but it produced the fundamental changes in the development of management thoughts. The great contribution Hawthorne studies made to the development of modern management these experiments are identified

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Why Do You Know About Adderall - 2022 Words

â€Å"Hey, do you know where I could get some Adderall?† I glanced up from my notes to see a fellow college student peering over my cubicle. I was startled that a random person would approach me in the library, which is generally a no-talking area. Stuttering nervously, I replied, â€Å"I’m sorry, I don’t know.† The student shrugged and walked away, presumably to ask someone else. Coming from a small town to a big city in Los Angeles for my first year of college, my exposure to any drugs prior to this event was minimal and, shaken from the event, I decided to confide in a friend I had recently made from biology class. â€Å"Well, we are premeds. How else do you expect people to get through organic chemistry?† was her dismissive response. Once again, I was shocked. Was it normal to take unprescribed medication? No one thought twice about any side effects or run ins with the law? Everyone has heard of them. Adderall. Ritalin. Because of societal pressure to succeed, medication like these are sought after in America to improve academic achievement. These famous brands of stimulant drugs have become well known in the past few decades for improving concentration and attention span. They are now particularly popular among college students to compete in the cutthroat world of academics that young adults are subject to today. While an increasing amount of college students are achieving academic success due to the use of cognitive enhancing drugs, normalizing these drugs will have seriousShow MoreRelatedAdderall1457 Words   |  6 Pagesand sought for drugs found on college campuses in the world today. Adderall and other forms of the â€Å"smart drug† have become more and more popular when it comes to students and young professionals trying to get an advantage. It will discuss both the positive and negative side effects of taking these smart pills along with the specific affects/reasons for ingesting them whether they are prescribed or not. Introduction Adderall, a prescription drug, was first developed to treat patients that sufferRead MoreKyle Craig and his Abuse on Adderall1698 Words   |  7 Pagesfocused, happy, achieving and social† (James). Kyle, in short, seemed to have it all together. What no one knew is that Kyle illegally looked to Adderall to keep up his â€Å"I’ve got it all together† act. Adderall is a stimulant prescription drug for those with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, also known as ADHD (FDA). Kyle took Adderall illegally and abused it much too often just to perform better academically and socially. While abusing the drug, Kyle slowly began spiraling into aRead More Adderall: Is Medication the Answer? Essay1346 Words   |  6 PagesAdderall: Is Medication the Answer? When growing up, nothing is more frustrating then giving your best effort in your school work and continuously being unsuccessful. The effect it can have on a child is very damaging. Students may feel inadequate and non-intelligent in the classroom setting growing up, not to mention, being confused all at the same time about why school is such an ongoing battle for them. Why are these children trying so hard and never having any success? It is more and moreRead MoreThe Pressure Of College Students1618 Words   |  7 PagesMany American children are told at an early age to be the best that they can be, and that no matter what they do being number one is a must. This pressure can come from family members, friends, and even society. With this ingrained in their minds, the pressure â€Å"we have to be better than everyone† is overwhelming. But what does it really take to be the best? In college it means doing all your work, pulling all nighters and sometimes seeking dangerous alt ernatives, such as drugs, disregarding the effectsRead MoreAdderall Abuse in College Students748 Words   |  3 PagesDid you know that college students who were nonmedical users of Adderall are almost 3 times as likely as those who had not used Adderall nonmedical to have used marijuana in the past year, 8 times more likely to have used cocaine and been non users of prescription tranquilizers? Are we trying to promote drug use in are youth by making it so easy to attain Adderall for people who do not really require it. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder otherwise known as ADHD is a common condition that affectsRead MoreInformative Speech Study Drugs and College Students Essay1104 Words   |  5 PagesStudents I. Introduction A. Attention Getter: I reached into my backpack, grabbed an Adderall, and went to the bathroom. I smashed it on the bathroom sink and snorted it. I went back to my class and zipped through the rest of my exam, and it made all the difference. This student incident was found in a 2005 article published by Baylor University on the alarming use of â€Å"study drugs.† B. Thesis: Many of you may be unfamiliar with such a topic, so today I will cover the mysterious world of studyRead MorePrescription Drug Abuse Paper1740 Words   |  7 Pagesone of the most popular abused drugs, Adderall. Adderall is by definition a prescription stimulant. It is composed of dextroamphetamine and amphetamine. It is normally prescribed by doctors to patients who suffer from Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and people who suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). To these patients, Adderall has a calming effect with an improvement in focus and can sustain attention for longer periods of time. Adderall comes is classified by two types, instantaneousRead MoreHow Diagnoses of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is Big Business 1188 Words   |  5 PagesDeficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) went from being under diagnosed to being over diagnosed. These days, teachers, counselors, and parents will diagnose a child with having ADHD disorder if he/she has disruptive behavior. Yet, the public does not know if ADHD is it an actual psychiatric disorder, a behavioral problem, or a school-based learning and interaction problem. Although it seems that ADHD is a socially constructed disorder rather than a valid neurobiological disorder, Pharmaceutical companies’Read MoreEssay about Amphetamines: Recreational or Instrumental1069 Words   |  5 PagesEveryone has his or her own opinion about drugs. Recreational drug use is using an illegal drug to get high. Instrumental use can be described when a person uses the same drug to achieve an effect to complete a task. Society has had many different views about drugs, and has changed its view many times throughout history. Today, we are facing a war on drugs, drug cartels, drug abuse, prison overcrowding and many others. All these have roots with drugs. There are always two sides to every story, andRead MoreDrug Use Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Essay1426 Words   |  6 Pages Are these drugs dangerous? Do people think that it is acceptable to use neuroenhancers? More interestingly, though, could these drugs potentially academically benefit their consumers in an academic environment? Adderall is a drug used to increase the focus and concentration of someone with a mental disorder such as ADHD. Although illegal, these drugs are often used without a prescription by students. At one American university, 6.9% of students had admitted to using Adderall at least once in college

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Health and Social Care Services

Questions: Task 11 Explain how technology can be used to support users of health and social care services in living independently 2 Analyse barriers to the use of technology to support users of health and social care services in living independently 3 Explain the benefits of these technologies to health and social care organisations and their users. Task 21 Explain health and safety considerations in the use of technologies in health and social care 2 Discuss ethical considerations in the use of assistive technologies 3 Explain the impact of recent and emerging technological developments on health and social care services, organisations and care workers. Answers: Task 1 1. Technology used to support the users of health and social care services in living independently Independent living The independent living means when immobilize people to work independently and technology has now made it easy for all. This immobilize people have right to live just like an ordinary people and has freedom for work and survive by keeping care for own health. Technology has fetched various modifications in health care. Technology has made the perception of independent living and assistive living more advance. With the case study it has been identified how technology has helped sally to manage life with its support. (Sanderson, Schacht and Clay, 1996) Users of health and social care services There are so many other people like sally who need to use the health and care services. The main objectives of service of health and care are to develop care for the disable, poor, physically challenged people with proper nursing and care. In some cases these service users are also the young people those are addicted with drugs and alcohol and better services to get better life. Generally the users of the health and social care services are the patients those who are surviving independently. To fulfil their requirements the idea of assistive living has been recognized. (Mitchell, 2009) Meaning of assistive technology in health and social care The assistive technology is a process which is operated by a team and operates with help, proper guidance and care, flexible and rehabilitative tool for people who are old, disable and physically challenged(De Jonge, Scherer and Rodger, 2007). The main objective of assistive technology in health and social care is to improve the ability of disable people. The assertive technology is of two types and that are assertive technologies tool and assertive technologies service. In the tools of assertive technologies, duration of item, definition of product system, modification of the product system and customization of product systems are included. In these assertive devices tools, the description of items and products, modification and customization of products are used for increasing, maintaining and improving the capabilities of disable people, children and old man. On another side, the service of assistive technologies can help the disable child in using this tools which are describe ab ove. In the service of assertive technologies different types of factors are included (Curry, Riley and Battistoni, 2009). The most significant thing which should be taken into account is the actual natural environment which is suitable for the children. Secondly, for improvement of ability of the children assertive technology teams, it is vital to purchase different types of plant and machinery, equipment and toys. Thirdly, for training of children, the proper applying and replacing is very important for any children or disable person. Coordinating and proper servicing is another part or factor of assertive technologies tools. Training is also a very necessary part for disable person. So, this is the assistive technology which can help the society with proper service of health and social care. Description of the assistive technologies provided to Sally Sally is a forty two years old woman. She is a working lady. However, presently Sally is not fit physically and is suffering from some diseases. She is undergoing neurological problems and cannot work properly for this job. For this reason Sally wants the support of assistive technologies. Sallys main problem is her neurological disease. Assistive technology can help her with this problemby providing advice about proper physical works which will finally help Sally in losing her weight (Block, 2006) As per case study, Sally, who is a middle age lady and now a neurologic patient is not proper treated by the doctor. As a result, this person is now psychic patent for wrong treatment of medicine. So for that, her family hasnow decided to take suggestion from assertive technologies. The assertive technology suggests that to take care for her with proper treatment. This treatment starts with physical exercise and proper diet chartbecause Sally is very weighty and this is not suitable for her physical condition. Besides that different types of therapies are applied for Sallys mentally sickness. So this is provided by the assertive technology for her wellness. (Lambalgen and Hamm, 2005) Technology provided to sally With the aspects that sally should get a better life style some of the assistive technologies have been inform. Sally was supplied a larger keyboard as the fundamental assistive technology. The keyboard consist a wide exterior that make possible to type for sally even with restricted vision. The other important tool which has been provided to sally was personal digital assistant (PDA) this was very much useful for sally to breathe in a guarded way even while having the memory problems. This significant technology was also known as the pocket coach. Other small instrument for supporting her with driving, dressing sticks which help her to survive independently. 2. Barriers of technology in the independent living Barriers of assistive technologies There are different types of barriers which appear in independent living. The main barrier of assistive technology for providing independent life in health and social care was training programme. The other barriers are in the independent living is society. In many cases society is not supported for this independent living(Vaughn, 2003). The financial capacity is the main factor of this independent living. The assistive technology is very expensive technology. Challenges faced by sally in using assistive technology Sally was provided the PDA device in order to make her live a bit easier so that she can overcome her memory problems. But the challenges rise while learning the description of the personal device. Other challenges was the price related to the tool and so on mentioned above like society treatment, discrimination etc. Solution for the barriers The challenges can be conquer with an operative training programme associated with PDA device. Other barriers can be reducing by extending the information regarding assistive technology. It is essential for the society to be got responsive regarding assistive and independent living. It also important to support the health and social care services users. 3. Benefits of technologies to health and social care organisations and their user Benefits of assistive technologies to users and their carers The assistive technologies have different types of benefits. Assistive technology is of two types, they are Assistive technologies tool and Assistive technologies service. (Scherer, 2005). In this Assistivetools the description of items and products, modification and customization of products are used for increasing, maintaining and improving the capabilities of disable people, children and old man. In the service of Assistive technologies, different types of factors are included. The most important factor is to find the actual natural environment which is suitable for the children, improvement of ability of the children. The benefits was that the number choice increased, growth in safety process the users become more independent and got more sense of control. Not merely this but also the quality of life has become much improved than previous. Burden over the carers has been reducing as well. Sallys benefits from the assistive technology Sallys life has come on path with help of assistive technology, not only this but even she was capable to drive as well. The technology has made sallys life facilitated to live independently. With the supplied technologies she was able to survive without being burden upon any one. Benefits of assistive technology for health and social care organisation This technology make services more secure and protected which help the users to get safe living as well as provide more solitude and dignity than previous. Compensate the requirement of personal care. The other advantages are like it also promotes the health and safety methods, supply trainings and explore the information and awareness regarding the health issues and so on and also improve the quality of care. Task 2 2. Health and safety considerations in the use of technologies in health and social care Health and Safety Legislation 1974 As per health and safety legislation Act 1974 by the United Kingdom is mainly prepared for securing of activities of person who are attached with the social and health activities. According to the health and safety legislation act 1974 any unlawful work against health and social activities are penalised by the government of health and safety at work 1974(Anderson, 2008). The prime factor of this healthy and safety legislation act is to protect the people who work for health or safety or welfare. Secondly, the people who work with life risk are safeguarded with this Health and Safety regulation(Matthews and Ageros, 2010). Thirdly, under Health and Safety Act 1974 controls the production of gas or radiation which effects on nature or people. With the act the possibilities of being constructive has been increase as well as it has become important to train staff which help to provide better services and make users more independent so that they are not considered as burden any more. Considering of assistive technologies in health and social care practice The assistive technologies team mainly determine the disabilities of person and children who are mentally or physically challenged. The team of assistive technology first evaluate the need of disabled people and after that increase the ability of these children. The main consideration of assistive technology for the children is that beautiful handwriting, increase communication skills, mobility, self caring, to know about the levels of independence and recreation(Abbott, 2007). After delivering proper education the children are prepared for training programme strategy and different types of recreation for refreshment. Similarly, for any disable people the team of assistive technology prepare a training programme where the people are trained forself-caring, to know about the independence level and increase the communication skills. (Cornish and Ross, 2004) For supporting Sally, describe the consideration of assistive technology As per Health and Safety Regulation Act 1974, the team of assistive technology always evaluate a proper plan for assisting the mental or physical problem of disabled people who are employed in a reputed company as an accountant.In the Health and Safety work Act 1974, the occupational health and safety act is included.Allthe employers have responsibilities about their employees, customers or general public following the Health and Safety Work Act 1974. Sally, a woman of 42 years old works in a company as an accountant. However, recently she cannot work for her sudden pain in her left foot. After 18 months later,her family is much tensed about her mentally sickness. For that reason her family wantssuggestion from the assistive technology as per Health and Safety Regulation act 1974. According to the management of Health and Safety Regulation Act 1999, the six categories of act are included in the regulation. The actual equipment used for work is included in the Health and Regulation Act 1974. The increasing of interactions as well as theincrease of independence is the most important part for the Sally. For proper treatment of Sally, the assistive technology finds the actual natural environment which is suitable for the Sally(Robson, Welham and Fosters Solicitors of Norwich, 2005). Secondly, for improvement of ability of the children, Assistive technology teams at first purchase different types of plant and machinery, equipment and toys. Thirdly, for training of Sally, the proper application and replacing is very important as it will help in proper treatment of Sally. Coordinating and proper servicing is another part or factor of Assistive technologies tools. 2. Ethical consideration of assistive technology Ethics Telecare is the best example which abides by all the ethical consideration as per health and safety regulation act 1974. The involvement with the patient, using reliable and safety equipment for treating the patients, social contact with the technological solution are the main services for the assistive technology. Ethical considerations According to Health and Social Care Act 1974, the different types of ethical consideration are used and those are autonomy, benefit, reducing risk and justice. The autonomy means when a disable person cannot take a decision for family, then volunteer is required by the assistive technology for decision making purpose. Benefit is another consideration of assistive technology (Eccles, 2010). Benefits The assistive technology selects benefit as different types of equipment for proper treatment of patient. Reducing risk is the different types of assistive technology which is must be considered for avoiding any harmful work by the social worker. Justice as per Mental Capacity Act 2005 is very important consideration for the assistive technology. For proper true and fair view about Health and Safety Care Act 1974, the proper use of assistive technology is mandatory. It gives chances to get choices to the clients, looking for their approval while providing assistive technology the sally case would be the appropriate references. The other benefits of the subsequent ethical guideline are that stuff can be regulating with the formation of guidelines. With this the nurse and also the users will become conscious about the plan. Disadvantages of not following ethical guideline If there will be no regular subsequent regarding the ethical guidelines then the disadvantage would be that there will be no measures for check and control in the nonexistence of ethical guidelines. Recommended compliance With the implementation of the ethics while using assistive technology the life of users of health and social care services can become easy. If the services with the following of ethics provides the safe and secure care and privacy to the users as well as with the improved nursing facilities the use of these process will become more efficient. With consistent growth and development in the services, technologies, it would be possible that the system will improve more and can help more to the people. 3. Impact Emerging assistive technologies to support health and social care services The team of assistive technology at first suggested for proper training programme of Sally. After this, for her physical problem, some physical exercise has been suggested by the physical trainer and prescribed proper diet chart by the nutritionist (Self-care becomes more enterprising, 2009). The staff training is another consideration of assistive technology for better result of patient improvement. For development of treatment for the disable person or children, designing of new plan is mandatory by the manager of assistive technology. With the impact of the recent technologies development on health and social care services it has been identified that the health and safety process has been more improved. It helps to increase efficiency as well as help to save time. Reduce the price of the services. Positive technology of technical development This assistive technology mainly increase the health and safety care for social development. The different types of equipment also help in increasing the efficiency of the work of assistive technology. The main objectives of assistive technology are to increase the quality of care for the patient (Parke and Clarke-Stewart, 2011). Negative technology of development In the assistive technology, high cost is the main negative impact of development of assistive technology act. For career development the training programme is very expensive for this technology. This led people to loss of the job and pressurizes the worker to get more skill. Task 3 3. Identify Maggies specific needs Specific needs The requirement of a person who are suffering from physical disability, mental or emotional or there is high risk of developing one of them is known as specific needs. The specific needs refer to as basic needs of the person with a disadvantage background. (Swaffer, 2014). Needs of people with dementia Services should be provided according to the specific needs of people suffering from dementia, this includes creation of new services. (Henderson, 2010). A dementia care manager must be appointed for the person suffering from this disease. Communication with the person with dementia is very important. To determine the type of support and services needed by them a survey must be carried on including people with dementia and carers. Home care personnel must encourage people with dementia in their daily activities. (France, 2009). Specific needs of Maggie Maggie needs emotional support as she recently lost her husband. So her family members and friends should provide emotional care for sometimes as she is emotional very weak and need family support. (Tan, 2002). They should spend some quality time with her, as she is isolated and suffering from dementia. In this disease people may sometimes feel ignored, weak and lonely, patient needs love and support from their loved ones (Hvam, Mortensen and Riis, 2008). . Mrs Maggie is an active lady it wont be fair if she is pressurized to take rest instead she must involve in some kind of physical activities like she must do aerobic, a kind of balance exercise. Playing games will also help her and can help her spend the energy. There must be someone who can take the charge of her medicines and food as she is dementia patient and so she forgets to have her medicines and food. (Yan, 2011) As she has the habit to forget and may forgets to turn off the taps that leads to flood, to avoid this a note of closing the taps must be kept in such a place so that she can easy see it and regain the memory to close the tap. Someone must write some notes of her daily activities which she forgets and keep it to such a place so that she could easily find it and work according to it, this will enable her to carry out her activities without any difficulties. 3.2 Recommend assistive devices to support Maggie to continue living independently: Telecare: Telecare is one of the assistive devices to support Maggie to continue living independently. She can use two types of Telecare service that are community alarm service which facilitates people to call for help at the time of need by pressing a button pendant that Maggie would be wearing around her neck. Another Telecare service is door contacts which alert carers that the person is going outside. This service identify the risk and according they can help the person. Personal Digital Assistant Maggie must keep a smart phone so that she can call the doctor at anytime. At the time of any risk she can also call the carers. In this way information will be circulated from the patient to the doctor. Talking Clock A talking clock should be kept near Maggie so that it can help her remember the time. Talking clock not only help her remember her time but also will help her to perform her daily activities according to the time. Flood Detector As Maggie is suffering from dementia and have the habit of forgetting to turn off the taps, a tap detector must be built inside Maggie house so that if she forgets to turn off the taps the flood detector will detect it and according an alarm will ring and help the Maggie to remember to turn off the taps. Automatic medication Dispenser The most secure way to take the medication as needed is automatic medication dispenser. This system will facilitate Maggie to set the medications before in a locked box. An alarm is fixed in the box which will alert Maggie to take the medication and will ring continuously until the box is removed and reloaded. 3. Evaluate the usefulness of technology for users of health and social care services The assistive technology which is recommended will be useful to Maggie is Automatic medication dispenser because the alarm will ring as soon as the medicine time come and will continue ringing until it is been removed and reloaded. This will help Maggie to take the medication on time. And the assistive technology that may not be useful to Maggie due to dementia is talking clock. Talking clock may not be useful to Maggie because if automatic medication dispenser is placed in her house there is no use of talking clock because the main object is talking medication on time is fulfilled by the automatic medication dispenser. As the condition of Maggie is deteriorating, her dependence on technology is increasing. As she has to depend on the telecare to get the help of carer. She has to depend on digital assistance her dependence on technology and loses her self confidence. In this way technology may not promote her independence. The steps that are involved in Maggie Dementia Progress are: She must aim for 30minutes of aerobics five times a week. She must build muscle to pump up her brain She must follow a Mediterranean diet She must avoid trans fats and saturated fats Conclusion Maggie a 62 year old lady suffering from dementia. She lost her husband and is extremely active women but often forget to turn off the taps. To support her some remedies must be followed. She should do regular exercise must follow her diet. She used use some personal assistant technology to take the medications timely. References Abbott, C. (2007). Defining assistive technologies   a discussion. Jnl of Assistive Technologies, 1(1), pp.6-9. Anderson, K. (2008). Overnight Social Activities for Residents of Special Care Units for Dementia.Activities, Adaptation Aging, 32(2), pp.120-133. Block, K. (2006). Why Integrative Therapies?.Integrative Cancer Therapies, 5(1), pp.3-6. Cornish, U. and Ross, F. (2004).Social skills training for adolescents with general moderate learning difficulties. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 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Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Fight Against Terrorism by Christian and Islam Leaders

Religion is a powerful tool in restoring, as well as maintaining peace in the society. Many people perceive the Muslim community as dangerous thus capable of enhancing terrorist attacks. It is imperative to note that a synergistic effort from Muslim religion can immensely tame the spread of terror attacks.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Fight Against Terrorism by Christian and Islam Leaders specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Apparently, leaders from Islamic community have exuded interest in reducing the killings of innocent individuals. Additionally, several organizations champion for elimination of terrorism and related issues. Following the article from Earth Times, Pope Benedict XVI engaged Muslim principals in an effort to diminish terrorism. He was speaking to German Muslim leaders; however, the information was targeting the entire world. It is remarkable that during the summit in Cologne, Pope urged the Muslim leaders to intensify the war shunning terrorism. This was to reduce the incidences, which endangered the lives of innocent individuals. There is a need to inculcate optimism, as well as hope amidst all people instead of panic and pessimism. This is factual since it encourages peaceful coexistence, as well as calling all the leaders to take action against terrorism interrelated attacks. According to Pope, he was echoing his own reflections as a spiritual leader, and did not have any political attachment. Although Muslims commit most terrorist attacks, Pope’s speech did not touch on Islam. This was a show of respect, as well as setting a harmonious path for solving the problem. Most opinionated leaders have been at the forefront in blaming Muslim leaders for the recurring terrorist activities across the globe. It is imperative to declare that the Muslim leaders who were in the meeting responded positively to curtail the act. Not only does terrorism occur in Christian wor ld, but it also prevalent in Islamic communities. This shows that it is a problem that he whole world share, and thus requires a synergistic effort from every fragment of the population. This is why Pope who is a faith leader urges the Islamic leaders to take action to reduce terrorism. â€Å"Interfaith dialogue is a necessity at every level: international, regional, and local; working groups on different levels should be established with emphasis on issues such as education, peace building and the promotion of solidarity and understanding among different communities and cultures† (Smock Huda 3). This quote is significant since it supports the reading; furthermore, it suggests means of curbing terrorism. Ending terrorism is possible through dialogue amid concerned parties.Advertising Looking for essay on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is notable that another solution to this vice is through comp rehending each other’s religion and culture. This move will reduce hostility, as well as clearing blame amongst people, while amplifying cordial coexistence. Confirmation from the Turkish Islam Union, that studying religion and customs is critical in the reduction of terrorism incidences. This shows that the leader was positive towards Pope’s utterances. This shows the importance of the article since it relates with the reading, as well as depicting out the theme of the topic. â€Å"Islam, as a religion of peace, rejects terror and promotes peace and harmony. We urge Muslim organizations and institutions to exercise their Islamic duty to correct and dispel misinterpretations of our faith† (Smock Huda 2). This quote is significant since it shows willingness of all Muslim leaders in curtailing ungodly deeds like the killing of innocent citizens. In conclusion, both Christian and Islam leaders have devised several means of controlling terrorism. The late developme nts, especially interfaith movement against bombing activities have played critical role in shunning terrorism. It is noteworthy that the article concerning Pope’s call on Muslim leaders to join the fight against terrorism is relevant to the reading. Work Cited Smock, David, Huda, Qamar-ul. Islamic Peacemaking since 9- 11. New York, NY: United states Institute of peace. 2009. Web. This essay on The Fight Against Terrorism by Christian and Islam Leaders was written and submitted by user Helen Rios to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.