Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Why Do You Know About Adderall - 2022 Words

â€Å"Hey, do you know where I could get some Adderall?† I glanced up from my notes to see a fellow college student peering over my cubicle. I was startled that a random person would approach me in the library, which is generally a no-talking area. Stuttering nervously, I replied, â€Å"I’m sorry, I don’t know.† The student shrugged and walked away, presumably to ask someone else. Coming from a small town to a big city in Los Angeles for my first year of college, my exposure to any drugs prior to this event was minimal and, shaken from the event, I decided to confide in a friend I had recently made from biology class. â€Å"Well, we are premeds. How else do you expect people to get through organic chemistry?† was her dismissive response. Once again, I was shocked. Was it normal to take unprescribed medication? No one thought twice about any side effects or run ins with the law? Everyone has heard of them. Adderall. Ritalin. Because of societal pressure to succeed, medication like these are sought after in America to improve academic achievement. These famous brands of stimulant drugs have become well known in the past few decades for improving concentration and attention span. They are now particularly popular among college students to compete in the cutthroat world of academics that young adults are subject to today. While an increasing amount of college students are achieving academic success due to the use of cognitive enhancing drugs, normalizing these drugs will have seriousShow MoreRelatedAdderall1457 Words   |  6 Pagesand sought for drugs found on college campuses in the world today. Adderall and other forms of the â€Å"smart drug† have become more and more popular when it comes to students and young professionals trying to get an advantage. It will discuss both the positive and negative side effects of taking these smart pills along with the specific affects/reasons for ingesting them whether they are prescribed or not. Introduction Adderall, a prescription drug, was first developed to treat patients that sufferRead MoreKyle Craig and his Abuse on Adderall1698 Words   |  7 Pagesfocused, happy, achieving and social† (James). Kyle, in short, seemed to have it all together. What no one knew is that Kyle illegally looked to Adderall to keep up his â€Å"I’ve got it all together† act. Adderall is a stimulant prescription drug for those with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, also known as ADHD (FDA). Kyle took Adderall illegally and abused it much too often just to perform better academically and socially. While abusing the drug, Kyle slowly began spiraling into aRead More Adderall: Is Medication the Answer? Essay1346 Words   |  6 PagesAdderall: Is Medication the Answer? When growing up, nothing is more frustrating then giving your best effort in your school work and continuously being unsuccessful. The effect it can have on a child is very damaging. Students may feel inadequate and non-intelligent in the classroom setting growing up, not to mention, being confused all at the same time about why school is such an ongoing battle for them. Why are these children trying so hard and never having any success? It is more and moreRead MoreThe Pressure Of College Students1618 Words   |  7 PagesMany American children are told at an early age to be the best that they can be, and that no matter what they do being number one is a must. This pressure can come from family members, friends, and even society. With this ingrained in their minds, the pressure â€Å"we have to be better than everyone† is overwhelming. But what does it really take to be the best? In college it means doing all your work, pulling all nighters and sometimes seeking dangerous alt ernatives, such as drugs, disregarding the effectsRead MoreAdderall Abuse in College Students748 Words   |  3 PagesDid you know that college students who were nonmedical users of Adderall are almost 3 times as likely as those who had not used Adderall nonmedical to have used marijuana in the past year, 8 times more likely to have used cocaine and been non users of prescription tranquilizers? Are we trying to promote drug use in are youth by making it so easy to attain Adderall for people who do not really require it. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder otherwise known as ADHD is a common condition that affectsRead MoreInformative Speech Study Drugs and College Students Essay1104 Words   |  5 PagesStudents I. Introduction A. Attention Getter: I reached into my backpack, grabbed an Adderall, and went to the bathroom. I smashed it on the bathroom sink and snorted it. I went back to my class and zipped through the rest of my exam, and it made all the difference. This student incident was found in a 2005 article published by Baylor University on the alarming use of â€Å"study drugs.† B. Thesis: Many of you may be unfamiliar with such a topic, so today I will cover the mysterious world of studyRead MorePrescription Drug Abuse Paper1740 Words   |  7 Pagesone of the most popular abused drugs, Adderall. Adderall is by definition a prescription stimulant. It is composed of dextroamphetamine and amphetamine. It is normally prescribed by doctors to patients who suffer from Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and people who suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). To these patients, Adderall has a calming effect with an improvement in focus and can sustain attention for longer periods of time. Adderall comes is classified by two types, instantaneousRead MoreHow Diagnoses of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is Big Business 1188 Words   |  5 PagesDeficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) went from being under diagnosed to being over diagnosed. These days, teachers, counselors, and parents will diagnose a child with having ADHD disorder if he/she has disruptive behavior. Yet, the public does not know if ADHD is it an actual psychiatric disorder, a behavioral problem, or a school-based learning and interaction problem. Although it seems that ADHD is a socially constructed disorder rather than a valid neurobiological disorder, Pharmaceutical companies’Read MoreEssay about Amphetamines: Recreational or Instrumental1069 Words   |  5 PagesEveryone has his or her own opinion about drugs. Recreational drug use is using an illegal drug to get high. Instrumental use can be described when a person uses the same drug to achieve an effect to complete a task. Society has had many different views about drugs, and has changed its view many times throughout history. Today, we are facing a war on drugs, drug cartels, drug abuse, prison overcrowding and many others. All these have roots with drugs. There are always two sides to every story, andRead MoreDrug Use Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Essay1426 Words   |  6 Pages Are these drugs dangerous? Do people think that it is acceptable to use neuroenhancers? More interestingly, though, could these drugs potentially academically benefit their consumers in an academic environment? Adderall is a drug used to increase the focus and concentration of someone with a mental disorder such as ADHD. Although illegal, these drugs are often used without a prescription by students. At one American university, 6.9% of students had admitted to using Adderall at least once in college

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